

来源:汉中美联英语培训学校 发布时间:2018/10/26 17:40:56


Echo张嘉慧 | Head老师

教学风格: 幽默风趣,生动活泼

善于提升: 日常口语,商务沟通英语

Hi, everyone. I'm Echo, the local teacher from Meten, Xi'an center. I've been working here for over a year after graduation. I love it here, I've got the best colleagues and students her  e. Meten gives me not only a job but a chance to be a better person.

Alex | 外籍英语教师

教学风格: 幽默风趣,节奏明快

善于提升: 商务口语,旅游英语,英语基础

Mainly working adults, university students and teenagers.

Cherry曹欢 | 课程顾问

教学风格: 平易近人,敏锐严谨,耐心负责

善于提升: 英语基础语法,词汇记忆

Hello,everyone,I'm Cherry.I'm the course consultant at Meten,I love my job here, And I like to stay with all my colleagues and students.At Meten I learned a lot,about how to work, how to keep patient, and how to be professional.I love Meten,I love English, welcome to Meten to join us.

Summer易小璐 | 课程顾问

教学风格: 条理清晰,专业严谨

善于提升: 商务口语,职业规划

I'm summer. I like swimming, travelling,reading as most people do. I've tried differdnt industy in past 5 year after my graduation, Eventually I find out we could open the world through Education.

Paul | 外籍英语教师

教学风格: 条理清晰,幽默风趣,专业热情

善于提升: 实际运用能力,英语发音

Hello, my name's Paul. I'm from the U.S. I've taught English for many years all over Asia and I'm happy to be here in Xi'an Meten. I'm an enthusiastic foodie and I love to try all the different dishes in any place I visit. I like living in Xi'an. The traditional buildings are very beautiful. I like to see around the city with my wife who also works for Meten. Right now, we're expecting our first child so we're very excited.  



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